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About Us

Kent Hospital Foundation

Need Help?

Even before the first patient walked through the door at Kent Hospital, there has been a reliance on the generosity of our neighbors, friends and community members to provide support to build and sustain the hospital we have today. Since 1951, Kent Hospital has grown from a small community hospital to the second busiest Emergency Department in the state, serving more than 70,000 patients per year. As the community grows, Kent will continue to meet the health care needs of our patients, friends and neighbors. Through the support of our donors, Kent Hospital is consistently investing in our facilities, medical equipment and technology to improve the patient experience and improve outcomes.

Kent Hospital has become the hospital it is today because of the support of thousands of donors like you. Join them in creating a legacy of generosity and support for Kent Hospital today!

With so many changes in health care, our donors want to be sure that their gifts will continue to be directed to local health care priorities and initiatives. To provide that assurance, we formed the Kent Hospital Foundation, which was incorporated on November 29, 2000. The Foundation’s Board of Directors oversees the growth and development of the Hospital’s endowment and ensures that all gifts to Kent Hospital continue to benefit our patients now and in the future.

It is important for you to know that all prior and future gifts, bequests, and endowments will remain the assets of the Care New England affiliate to whom they were donated. In addition, they will remain under the exclusive direction and control of the governing body holding the assets.

Contact Information
Kent Hospital Foundation

Kent Hospital
Philanthropy Building 2
171 Service Avenue, Suite 310
Warwick, RI 02886

Kate Wishart

P: (401) 737-7000, ext. 31134
F: (401) 453-7583
E: kwishart@carene.org

Nicole Purcell

P: (401) 921-8505
F: (401) 277-3666
E: npurcell@carene.org

Foundation Board of Directors

2021 Board of Directors
  • Edward J. Cooney Jr., Chairperson
  • James M. Burke, Treasurer
  • Maribeth Q. Williamson, Secretary
  • Karen M. Balch
  • Jason B. Boudjouk, MD
  • James M. Burke
  • Edward J. Cooney Jr.
  • Charles L. Cronin III, MD
  • Susan Crossley
  • James E. Fanale, MD
  • Paari Gopalakrishnan, MD
  • Mark P. Scott
  • Edward S. Thomas, MD
  • Maribeth Q. Williamson