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Make An Impact


Acute Care for Elders Unit

The Acute Care for Elders Unit (ACE) will become a center of excellence for quality and comprehensive age-friendly care in Rhode Island. The fresh and updated physical environment will allow the full execution of Kent Hospital’s age-friendly model of care and will result in increased patient satisfaction, as well as decreased lengths of stay, falls, and injuries.

Dr. Ana Fulton and ACE Unit staff use the 4M approach (What Matters, Medications, Mentation, and Mobility) to partner with each patient and the entire care team to achieve the best healthcare outcome for each individual.

The Center for Innovation in Technology

The Center for Innovation in Technology at Kent Hospital will fully allow patients to play an active role in their care plan and work with an integrated care team in real time. These technological enhancements in the Electronic Medical Record and the physical environment will place Kent at the forefront of technology use in a healthcare setting. They will elevate care levels across all disciplines, resulting in integrated and increased quality metrics. By harnessing the data already available in our primary care setting, Kent will be able to use the aggregate information to identify social determinants of health and effectively care for population health through targeted programs that are geared to improve healthcare outcomes for segments of the population where outcomes are in decline. 




Our Gala

Get In Touch

Kate Wishart

P: (401) 737-7000, ext. 31134
F: (401) 453-7583
E: kwishart@carene.org

Nicole Purcell

P: (401) 921-8505
F: (401) 277-3666
E: npurcell@carene.org

Give Directly to our Acute Care for Elders Unit or Our Center for Innovation